viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

A good Job

There is a clear segmentation in what is education in Chile.Chileans assesses the quality of education with a note averaged 4.5. Among school children, the notes range from 4.2; among students of 13 years and older, and 4.8 in the group of four to eight years old. It is worth noting that 77% of the respondents criticized the equipment support as textbooks, libraries, laboratories and computers, is bad or weak. In the same level, 38% of those polled believed that the shortage of equipment or texts is the main problem with the Chilean education, while 30% said it was the lack of order in establishments. The question is. What do we need?
We need real teachers, we need that we study as a subject in university be real. If we want something new, we have to change what we have now, we have to change our mind, and be more responsable for the students that we are educating.
The Chilean educational system measured excellence according to the number of students who stand at the University regarding their total number of students, like the pre-university measure their level of excellence depending on how many get national scores.

If we want students to learn, we must show them how.
" the teacher is circulating, redirecting, disciplining, questioning, assessing, guiding, directing, fascinating, validating, facilitating, moving, monitoring, motivating, watching, moderating, diagnosing, observing, encouraging, suggesting, watching, modeling and clarifying."
Schools are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shape. Teachers are carriers of either positive or negative behavior toward students. The reason why the first years of school are so critical is because kids learn the base of their educational life. I believe that teachers must love their career in order for them to pass enthusiasm, to assists, and to provide a warm environment to the students. In my opinion teachers are the second mothers for the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers. At the same time. I believe a real teacher becomes through many years of training and experiences in the field.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Femicide... The Big silence.

Every day we watch on tv or hear on the news about murder, parricide but is not the usual femicide, femicide is a crime establish in all social classes and ethnic groups. This type of crime expresses a sense of ownership and control over women by the men, an action that is supported by the phrase " I killed her because she was mine".

Femicide is the killing of women as a result of extreme violence which ocurrs at both private and public and includes those of their partners, husbands or family members killed by harrasing or rapists, as well as those who tried to avoid the death of another women and were trapped or hurted on this terrible action.

According to figures that are supplied by SERNAM last year, a total of 45 women were murderer in Chile by their husband, ex partners. In the first two weeks of this year specifically in Los Angeles (Chile) and Osorno had already made the first two crimes.

Recently a young woman of 21 years old is the victim number 52 of femicide.

Georgina Nuñez died in the Pudahuel´s hospital where she was brought by her victimizer who shoted her to her throat. She became in the victim number 52 of femicides in this country, she received at last one shot in the neck by her partner who was drugged. She died in the Hospital. She had two children, a boy and a girl.


It is neccesary that judges apply existing laws and grant protective measures that are required for woman victims of domestic violence.

It is also neccesary to erradicate violence, is essential to banish all forms of violence for example: violence in schools.

Machismo has always been conceived as the "Karma" between the man and women relationships, being a real obstacle to talk on gender equality. Sometimes women themselves accept this situation without resentment rality of they are being hurt.

By the way, our legislation is not referred to femicide as a crime itself, but it is only considered a crime which is within the context of domestic violence, and there is only two laws that are responsable for dealing with this issue.

This is a complex issue and it is a duty to our authorities to establish mechanisms of protection and they have to put attention and try to take this problem off from darkness, due to the attention caused by the impunity of the perpetrators.

martes, 14 de agosto de 2007

OiL SpilL... a big disaster

An oil spill is the release of liquid petroleum into the environment as a result of human activity. The term often refers to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters. Oil can refer to many different materials, including crude oil, refined petroleum products (such as gasoline or diesel fuel) or by-products, ships' bunkers, oily refuse or oil mixed in waste. Spills take months or even years to clean up. The fate, behavioral and environmental effects of spilled oil can vary, depending upon the type and amount of material spilled. petroleum products such as diesel and gasoline are more likely to mix in the water column and are more toxic to marine life, but tend to evaporate more quickly and do not persist long in the environment. With large numbers of people living and depending on coastal areas for fishing and tourism throughout the world, the consequences of oil spills can be serious. Such possibilities have caused outcries for oil companies, ship owners, and shipbuilders to share the responsibility of preventing such a disaster. As oil is lighter than water, and does not quickly decompose, it can remain on the surface for a long time. As it is also flammable, oil spills can fuel ocean fires.
One solution to mitigate the effects of an oil spill is through being able to contain and effectively treat spilled oil. A new step being developed in preventing oil damage is through installations of systems made for Fast Oil Recovery (FOR) of oil from wrecked ships.